Once a year, Japan holds the Kobe Beef Grand Prix.

Out of 2,000 cows, only one will be crowned the Champion Cow.

All these cows go through multiple stages of assessment with a hefty criteria like muscle density, fur, cows demeanor and many more. This is to reach the final group stage of around 50 cows. Given this rigorous competition, Kyukoh Tanaka's cow has won the Championship 2 years in a row (2021 & 2022). Since the beginning of this competition, the Champion cow has never left Japan until 2021, when Wagyu Studio won the auction. For the first time in history, the best cow in the world came home to the Philippines.

The Grand Prix



Kyukoh Tanaka is considered the most reputable and skilled Kobe Beef Farmer in Japan. He is very particular with whom he supplies his prized Kobe beef to. Out of the hundreds of restaurants that serve Kobe beef in Tokyo, only 10 are honored with his supply. Wagyu Studio is proud to be able to supply this prized product in the Philippines.

Kyukoh takes his craft of raising cattle to the highest level. Out of the millions of beef farmers around the world his farm is one of the few that feed their cattle human-grade, purely organic feeds sourced from all around the world. The cows are not given any form of steroids or chemicals. They listen to classical music daily and are given ample space to rest and roam to ensure they do not go through any stress throughout their life. Being that the farm is in Japan, temperatures can fluctuate throughout the seasons, the temperature in the farm is constantly controlled by Kyukoh through heating lamps and cooling mist fans to ensure complete comfort for the cows. They are bred till the optimal time to raise enough fat and meat to give the cow the best well-rounded balance.